Hey Millennial Manager,
The way I see it is that “socialism” is currently operating in our culture as an ideology rather than an actual state. This ideology is fostered in the education system and informs much of the GenX/Millenial mentality, of which I too am a product.
What the education system does is train the individual to survive by getting good at responding well to commands. Once the individual has left the education system, they typically emerge with a survival mechanism that inspires in them a desire to receive direction. This is how we’ve learned to remain safe within the system.
Psychologically, this is the exact same pattern of power exchange that happens with a victim mentality: An individual experiences a series of events that leads them to the belief that they are powerless. Their feelings of powerlessness inform a state of lack and blame. By blaming others for what is lacking and feeling the need to regain what has been lost, the victim continues to willingly place its power in the hands of the oppressor. Thus repeating the cycle of victimization.
This leads to a welfare state. While it can feel counter intuitive to a victim’s awareness, power can only be taken back by making the choice to self-govern in a healthy and beneficial way, regardless of circumstance.
“Welfare” is a state in which people have forgotten the art of fishing. Where correct behavior gets a fish and fishing becomes a crime. When fishing is a crime, opportunity to thrive is exchanged for survival. This fosters a core belief of an inability to support and govern one’s self. When people do not believe they can self-govern, they will give their power to those that will. This leads to big-government style legislation, corruption and the loss of sovereignty.
When the word “socialism” is used, what we are actually discussing is a kind of survival-based materialist dogma imposing itself upon the creative state. This exemplifies a reason and need for the separation of church (dogma) and state (law).
In America, people have the right to live communally and participate in unique practices of shared beliefs. The Amish are a great example of this. Socialism and neoliberalism take their communal ideologies and impose them unfairly on people who do not wish to be a part of that kind of community.
On principle, forcing people to participate in ideologies they do not agree with is wholly un-American. The beauty of America is that those ideologies can still be practiced in communal from by those who wish to live in such a way. Pushing bigger government and imposing ritualistic behaviors on unwilling participants is textbook strategy for a communistic agenda.
Shadow Working
May 28, 2020
Hey Oe,
I have always put off doing serious work on my shadow side because it seems so overwhelming. How do you tackle that without feeling caught up in it .... like you are spiraling down into your darkest depths and still functioning at work and in society as a mother, wife, friend etc??
Shadow Worker
Hey Shadow Worker,
Dealing with the shadow is something all of us naturally do. Whether we consciously work to integrate our shadow or subconsciously suffer its function, there is no way of avoiding it. When we “do shadow-work”, we focus on becoming aware of and integrating the shadow’s influence and impact on our lives. This can be tricky. Our shadow is a natural and intelligent part of us that helps define who we are by “I am not” thoughts and beliefs. When our shadow is in charge, the feelings of “I am not” control our experience. When we are functioning from this perspective, negative patterns evolve as the form of our self-expression.
We can look to our negative feelings and patterns to tell us what is ready to be worked on. Sometimes shadow-work will draw up memories and beliefs in us that are painful and dark. It is important that we trust ourselves enough to provide what is necessary for us to process and integrate these feelings when they arise. Awareness of what we are thinking and feeling, listening to our inner voice and responding positively in the moment to support our needs, gives us a safe and natural way to integrate these experiences.
If we genuinely want to do shadow work, we have to be ready put ourselves first. This might require us to have tough love conversations with ourselves and with the people we care about most. However, it is far more beneficial to ourselves and to the people around us to know our true needs and boundaries than it is to sacrifice ourselves for the benefit of others. When we love and support ourselves in this way, the trust that is established within us extends out to the people around us creating genuinely supportive and healthy relationships.
Furloughed In The City
April 29, 2020
Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash
Hey Oe,
I am feeling confused as to what my next step is. Obviously, being an event producer, the situation right now is looking especially grim. It makes me feel as if I need to consider switching careers which is totally overwhelming. I’ve been furloughed from my company which basically means I’ve been laid off. This is only temporary and I can pick my job back up when this has all cleared up. They have set that date for July 2nd but it is unclear if it will be even later depending on when it is safe to host events again.
My issue is I have a lot of anxiety about going back. My best friend and main support system just started a new job somewhere else and he was really the reason why I loved the job. Otherwise I really don’t respect the company and the way it operates. It’s run like a dictatorship by our CEO. I just so badly want new opportunities and to move forward with something else but it feels impossible with the situation right now. What can I do to open up new opportunities for myself?
Furloughed in the City
Dear Furloughed,
Use this extra free-time and solitude to sort out your inner world. Taking the time to understand our inner-self clarifies what is essential to us. By identifying core values and boundaries, it is easier to act with awareness and wisdom in our daily lives.
This too shall pass, as that is the natural law of life. We can have faith that things are always working in our favor, even if it doesn’t feel like it at times. Sometimes it is helpful to take the soul perspective and ask ourselves what we are learning and how we might grow from the experience.
Remember, there is actually very little we can do in the moment to control the future. Personally, when I start to feel anxious or overwhelmed, I remind myself that I actually don’t have to know where I am headed or what I will do with my life. Ultimately, what happens isn’t really up to me. All I have to know is what is best for me right now and then do that thing. Maybe it is getting in touch with the heart when feelings arise, taking a hot bath, drinking a glass of water, or finding that extra push to do something new - like start and advice column. :)
The Universe has got our back and the potentials it can see for us are far beyond our imagination. I trust that. I love that. It makes me feel free to just be, let go, and relax into the flow. Every moment is an opportunity for our highest good.
This method for achieving personal and professional satisfaction actually works. It might feel counter-intuitive but that is part of the programming we’ve received. Set boundaries and follow your joy – allow it to reveal itself and practice seeing everything as an opportunity given to you by the Universe. In no time you will find yourself surrounded by the right people and filled with an inner strength that comes from knowing and supporting who you are.